Chassidy and John are getting married in a month.
That looks very stark when printed out in the little white box. Where did the time go? I don't know if I'm ready to do this! I have become so accustomed to having her sweet face at home every night, to hanging out , reading together separately, cooking, singing, laughing...gosh. This will be like a cross between sending her off to college and sending her off to Africa again. Although she'll be in Rowlett, this is all uncharted territory for us. What a wonderful adventure this will be for her and John. Anyone who has seen them together have seen the reflection of Christ in their radiant faces. And we all love John so very much, he's already one of my boys. He has a sweetness of spirit and a love for people that is very rare in this day and age, especially in a man of his age (24).
Chas and I are both guarding our time that we have together, making every moment of Single Girl Chas time count. I know that we are looking forward to the married lady stuff she will be her recipes for stuff, decorating her apartment, random trips to Costco, having Mom and Chas days while John goes golfing with Max or Robby or one of his other buddies that golf. I know that she will always be our baby no matter how old she gets, that she will always be able to curl up in mama's lap like she did last night for a snuggle.
Brandon will still be in the house with me, but with his hours, i will have a lot of alone time on my hands. That's probably why God has led me back into the book of Isaiah again, that's definitely going to take up some time. And I will actually maybe get busy on my genealogy stuff, and clean out my closets, and simplify, and give away stuff that needs a new home. Not to mention being mom to everyone else and nana to my near-perfect grandchildren. I hope we will all continue to get together every chance that we can, making more memories for all of them. I hope I'm doing a good job. I hope that one day when I am gone, they will look back on our time together as being blessed, and happy, and that I gave them good things that will last.
Winter has brought some changing seasons in more ways than one....Chas will be a wife and daughter in law, John will be a husband and a son in law, and I will go back to being a little more Jane and a little bit less of the mom that makes dinner and takes care of everyone every night.
Sounds like we're all growing in the right direction- closer to each other, and to Jesus.
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